RM Vivas
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ARTICLE TITLE: Pre/Post Ban AR-15 List
AUTHOR/SOURCE: Geremy_Chubbuck@Champint.com
SYNOPSIS: This list identifies by serial number those AR-15 recivers, by maker, that are considered Pre-Ban.
KEYWORDS: Pre-Ban Post-Ban AR15 AR-15 Upper Lower Receiver Assembly Assemblies

Disclaimer: This list is correct to the best of my knowledge, however, I accept absolutely no responsibility for the accuracy of this information or for the consequences and/or damages occurring from any inaccuracies. I have compiled this list for the purposes of sharing information only. This is not intended to be used in any way except for personal entertainment. It is a  compilation of both personal information and information submitted from others from the Internet. ALL SERIAL NUMBERS SHOULD BE VERIFIED FROM THE MANUFACTURER PRIOR TO ANY PURCHASE OR ASSEMBLY. 
 If any information presented here is found to be incorrect or you have additional information to contribute, please contact me via E-Mail (Geremy_Chubbuck@Champint.com) and I will update and re-issue the list.

                               Bushmaster 800-998-SWAT
                               Below L051000 - Assembled Pre-Ban Rifles
                               L051001-L063000 - Mixed Pre-Ban Assembled Rifles and Pre-Sept 94 Lowers (Call to verify)
                               L063001 and Up - Post-Ban

                               Colt 800-962-COLT
                               CC001616 and Below - Pre-Ban
                               CH019500 and Below - Pre-Ban
                               GC018500 and Below - Pre-Ban
                               LH011326 and Below - Pre-Ban
                               MH086020 and Below - Pre-Ban
                               NL004800 and Below - Pre-Ban
                               SL027246 and Below - Pre-Ban
                               SP360200 and Below - Pre-Ban
                               ST038100 and Below - Pre-Ban
                               TA10100 and Below - Pre-Ban
                               BD000134 and Below - Pre-Ban
                               MT00001 and Above - Post-Ban
                               ?CAR-3? - Post Ban??

                               DPMS 800-578-3767
                               Below 10300 - Pre-Ban (Note: some lowers are cast, not forged)

                               Eagle Arms (Now called Armalite) 309-944-6939
                               They will not give out a list, but will look up on an individual basis.
                               Lower receiver serial numbers DO NOT begin with EA.

                               Essential Arms All are Pre-Ban as they went out of business in 1993. (DPMS bought them prior to the Ban)
                               All DPMS Essential Arms' lower receiver serial numbers begin with EA. Some or all lowers are cast. Light gray coloring.

                               Olympic Arms 360-459-7940
                               4-numbers only - very very old. Probably machined from bar stock.
                               1-letter and 4# - older receiver, but forgings.
                               2-letters & 4# - most receivers follow this pattern.
                               2#, 2 letters, 4# - the first two #'s are year of manufacture of the lower.
                               2 letters, 6# (separated 2 & 4 - e.g. SA 96 0000) - first 2 #'s are year of manufacture.

                               There were some odd variations and some custom serial numbers mixed in thru the years also. And, some receivers manufactured  after the ban have the year stamp after the model name, not in the serial #. And if you don't see a year stamp on the receiver, it  is not necessarily pre-ban!

                               PWA (Out of business)
                               35222 and Below - Pre-Ban (Note: Some lowers & uppers are cast not forged)

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